Chasing the Ghost Rehearsal Sessions (2012)
Amy LaVere and Shannon McNally first became aware of each other through their mutual mentor, Memphis producer, Jim Dickinson. They didn’t actually connect until Luther Dickinson brought them together to form the band The Wandering in 2012. “We were both instantly struck by our numerous similarities. It’s not your average gal that drinks bourbon neat, walks around with a pocket atlas and a drives a big white gear van,” McNally reflects, “I thought she was charming and awfully funny.”
The Chasing The Ghost Tour, which officially begins October 13th, 2012 in Joshua Tree California, was born in the immediate post partum of The Wandering tour of May 2012.
“Shannon and I related to the intensity with which we both approach our craft. It’s nice to have a friend that is also a peer. Our voices blended as well as our personalities”.
The two women, armed with a satchel of each artist’s songs, headed to the Music+Arts Studio in Memphis, Tennessee for rehearsals a few days before getting into the van for the cross-country trek to California. Instantly the feeling in the room was electric and fun. Someone had the good sense to press record.
Chasing The Ghost – Rehearsal Sessions features Amy LaVere on stand up bass and vocals, Shannon McNally on acoustic guitar and vocals, Robert Mache on guitar and mandolin and Shawn Zorn on drums.